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Is parenting tougher than you imagined?
You’re not alone—we all have hard days!
But I can help! My e-course, Bringing EQ into the Home, teaches ways to navigate the hard days. You’ll learn the tools for all the hardest moments.

Mental & Emotional Self Care
Are you tired of constantly fighting with your kids?! Do you wish they were better listeners?!
This webinar will give you the practical tools you need to improve your child’s listening skills. Not only that, it will aid you in creating a calmer happier home.
Boundary Setting with Kids
Are you tired of the power struggle? Are you wanting a better relationship with your kids?
Then this webinar is for you!
In it, you will receive practical tips to help you set and hold appropriate healthy boundaries that will help your family thrive!
Understanding Feelings
Are you tired of the power struggle? Are you wanting a better relationship with your kids?
Then this webinar is for you!
In it, you will receive practical tips to help you set and hold appropriate healthy boundaries that will help your family thrive!