Taking my own advice was hard. I am so glad I did.

There I was, in the middle of chaos, trying to be everything to everyone, giving 110% of what I had and falling short in everything. I had taken a new job with the NHS (National Health Service) in England and was loving it but also struggling to manage my new schedule. Suddenly, I wasn’t in control of my schedule anymore. I worked three packed-full days at the hospital, where I gave my emotional and physical energy, and then I would leave there and head to my private practice and give more. I would get home and give every last bit of what I had to Stella and my husband, crash, and then do it again. I was on a hamster wheel spinning so fast I thought I might get thrown off.

Could I keep all the balls in the air? Was I thriving?

Getting Stella and myself out the door on time was a massive struggle. Those who know me well know that time is a construct I massively struggle with. I love my work, and I wasn’t willing to give up my private clients or my online work, so there I was, working 12-hour days and still trying to be present for Stella before and after school and Friday afternoon to Sunday. But wait, there is still housework and all the mental load of motherhood and a partnership to keep alive. I mean, I had a nanny, so I should be able to do it all right?! And the thing is, I was doing it, but not in the way I wanted to. I wasn’t authentic to the message I shared, the values I believed in, and to myself. I wasn’t thriving, I was surviving.

A mini break changed it all.

It was focusing back in on my self-awareness that highlighted my need for a break. I did what I found very difficult and put myself first. My husband and I took a mini break last February for 24 hours, just us. It was healing, cup filling, connecting an emotional recharge; just what we needed. Then, a few weeks later, I became so tired I thought I might be coming down with the flu. But it wasn’t the flu, instead, we found out we were pregnant. But HOW?! After so much loss and difficulty, how could it happen like this? We were thrilled and terrified. Would the baby stick? Would the baby be healthy? Would I survive another birth when I barely did the last time? I wasn’t sure. And that is when I realized it was time. Time to really step back and take care of myself, the baby, and my family. It was hard. I loved my online community, and I didn’t even know how to tell you all because I couldn’t face telling you about the pregnancy if more loss was in my future. So, instead, I just stopped posting, and for that, I am sorry. I should have done better; after all, I pride myself on being a good communicator. But thank you for sticking around and coming back to read this and joining me as I share more as a mother of two. I have been finding my emotional intelligence even more important in my daily parenting life, and I can’t wait to share more about my learning not only as a parent but also in my deeper training as a clinical psychologist.

The Raising EQ Podcast

For a long time, I have thought about bringing knowledge and support to you through a podcast. I love listening to growth mindset podcasts as I walk, commute, or do household chores, and I felt excited about the opportunity of getting to be in your ear in the same way! So I took the plunge! I have created a podcast that will launch bi-weekly, where I will share ways to raise your and your family’s emotional intelligence. The format will be solo episodes with me, multi-expert episodes with others I feel would be helpful for you, and live parent support as they ask me anything. I hope this is another way I can support you in strengthening your emotional intelligence and help your family thrive. Sign up for my newsletter to be the first to know when each episode drops. The first one coming next week!

Get in touch

If you have specific questions or a topic you want me to cover, please share it with me by emailing me at drhollysymons@outlook.com.  

If you are ready for more, head to my course, Bringing Emotional Intelligence into the Home, to one of my webinars, or attend a live event.

🖤 Dr. H



The Transformative Power of Emotional Intelligence in Managing Mental Health